Saturday, January 6, 2007

Winging Onward

Winging Onward, originally uploaded by Robbi Baba.

From Thailand we traveled onward to Bali, where we stayed for a full month and fell in love with that magical island and its beautiful people.

If you've actually read this entire blog I thank you! I hope you've enjoyed it and perhaps feel inspired to visit Thailand someday.

I'm not sure why I went to all the work of putting this thing together! Our trip was only two weeks of my life, and was almost two years ago. And yet Thailand made a profound impression upon me and I would return in a heartbeat. Wherever you are and wherever you are going, I wish you well.

ps. if you want to know about our travels to Bali and New Zealand, my original blog Wild Blue Yonder is our travelogue--just go back in the archives. For some reason all of my writings from Thailand wouldn't post, which is ultimately how this blog came to be. I'm afraid Wild Blue Yonder is no longer dedicated to travelogues and you will have to forgive the wildly scattered content.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for putting this blog together. It's really fascinating to read and it sounds like you had an incredible time. Thailand really is a magical country - it's very hard not to fall in love with the place. We have another visit coming up in Jan 09 and are planning to spend a week or so in Chiang Mai and Chiang Dao. I'd already read a little about the Chaing Dao Nest but your blog has now convinced me I should go ahead and book our stay immediately. I'll do that right now. Thanks again. Liam - Manchester, UK.