Saturday, January 6, 2007

Reclining Buddha

Reclining Buddha, originally uploaded by Robbi Baba.

By the time we got to Wat Po and wandered in to see the Reclinging Buddha, the kids were just exhausted. Especially Eden was not looking too good. It was very hot and we'd walked for miles and miles and they just wanted to lay down.
But when we walked into this building and saw the Buddha they both just perked right up. We all did. It was amazing to witness.
We'd already seen so many impossibly grand sights, but somehow this gave us all a fresh jolt of energy and enthusiasm and renewed sense of wonder.
There was more here than just a big gold statue. I think it was radiating energy. It had to be.
At the end of the statue the soles of His feet rose up about twelve feet or so in the air. They were inlaid with mother of pearl carvings, as were the stylized 'fingerprints' on his toes.

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